083 357 2351 info@metallicon.co.za

Our Clients

Metallicon has a broad client base and has been consulting in various spheres of the metallurgical industry.

Nkomati Nickel 

Metal Accounting Audit and process review 



Metal Accounting Audit of concentrator, smelter and base metal refinery. 


Competent Person on all metallurgical aspects of the Platreef Project 

Wesizwe Platinum -Bakubung Concentrator (South Africa)

Client’s metallurgical representative on the Bankable Feasibility Study for the PGM concentrator. Test Work Management and Process Design

Mimosa Platinum (Zimbabwe) 

Consultant to TWP (Worley Parsons) on the plant optimisation to Mimosa concentrator. Client Consultant on plant upgrade

Swakop Uranium (Husab Uranium -Namibia)

Client metallurgical team on the Bankable Feasibility Study. Test Work Management and Process Design

Harmony Gold 

Pre-feasibility study on the Libra gold project 

Discovery Metals 

Test work management and client metallurgical representative : Boseto Copper project 

Craton Exploration 

Test work management and client metallurgical representative : Confidential Copper project 


Due diligence exercises of base metal, gold, platinum and mineral sands operations. 

Palabora Mining Company 

Plant audit and Order of Magnitude Estimate for plant upgrade and refurbishment 

Mowana Copper 

Audit and Compilation of NI 43101 documentation 

Zincore Metals (Peru)

Management of test work and process engineering on zinc prospects. Test Work Management in Peru, Poland and South Africa . Process Design & Prefeasibility Study utilising Waltz Kilns

Sylvania Minerals 

Design and operation of six PGM from chromite tailing plants 


Pan African Resources 

Design of and feasibility study for a PGM from chromite tailing plant 

Anglo Platinum 

Process Optimisation on 7 concentrators 

Lonmin Platinum 

Chairman of the Capital Peer review committee 


Design of a PGM concentrator 


Process optimisation and redesign of circuit on a PGM Concentrator 

Mineral Corporation 

Peer review of three PGM concentrator bankable studies 

Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum Mine

Metal accounting audits & Process optimisation and upgrade. 


Due diligence exercises on platinum, chromite and Base metals


Due diligence exercises on chromite, rare earth minerals, copper

Confidential International Client

Test Work Management and Process Design on Fluorspar and Zimbabwe PGM operation

Bauba Platinum

Metal accounting committee chairman. Client representative on PGM from chrome feasibility study


Due diligence exercises on chrome, PGM and copper concentrator test work and design


Due diligence exercises on PGM and copper concentrator test work and design

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+27 (0)83 357 2351

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